170 Commercial Street, Newport
About Newport: The Uprising
In 1839, Newport saw what is known as 'the last rising'. The last major armed insurrection in the UK. Why was it so important and why are we commemorating it?
This November is the 185th anniversary of the Newport Rising and this tour has been specially curated to show you the major sites of importance in the city centre. You'll learn about what led to the uprising, who brought it about and why it is still so important that we remember it to this day.
We will look at different buildings from places of worship to public houses, places that still stand and some that are dramatically altered. All for the special price of £5 as part of the commemorations.
There are five dates/times available, 11:00 on Friday 25th October, Saturday 26th October, Friday 1st November and Saturday 2nd November
Website https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1024791778797?aff=oddtdtcreator
More History Events
Newport Museum & Art Gallery, Newport, NP20 1PA
Thursday 20th March 14:00 - 15:30