Beechwood Park Presbyterian Church, Chepstow Road, Newport, NP19 8JH
About Beechwood Stitchers Textile Talk & Charity Morning
CHANGE OF SPEAKER: Sadly Angie Hughes won't be able to attend on Monday as she has been admitted into hospital. We send her all our love, and look forward to her speedy recovery.
Contemporary Quilter and tutor Gill Clark has very kindly stepped in to do a talk on her quilting.
Gill's beautiful work has wowed us at Beechwood Stitchers for months, this is a wonderful opportunity to see the work and feel the enthusiasm of a really innovative quilter.
As Gill Says:
"Having spent two years learning the rules I quickly learned how to break them all!
I love learning new techniques and responding to challenges"
You may have seen some of Gill's smaller pieces at Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, an important part of her year as she volunteers as Festival of Quilts Officer for the Quilters Guild.
Although we are very sad that we won't be seeing Angie, we are sure that Gill's work will inspire.
The doors at the side of the building in Kenilworth Road, will open at 10am. Tea, Coffee and Homemade Cakes will be on sale.
There will also be a selection of stalls including our own very popular Bring & Buy stall and the Beechwood Stitchers Craft Stall, where we sell our work in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society.
There will also be a small exhibition of Beechwood Stitchers latest work
The talk will start around 10.45am and will last for about an hour.
Admission £3.00 at the door
All money raised going to the Alzheimer’s Society
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