
20 photographs of international or world significance within 20 miles of Newport Transporter Bridge


About 20 photographs of international or world significance within 20 miles of Newport Transporter Bridge

Join us for Bridge Talk Number 10 when we discoverer 20 photos within 20 miles of our Transporter Bridge with international significance...

The 20 pictures cover events and places within 20 miles of Newport which have national, international, or world significance.

The photographs include some major events or places from history; and events and places involved in the development of world technology through the industrial revolution and the 20th Century; and some unusual perspectives – all within 20 miles of Newport.

It is both entertaining and educational!

We welcome back speaker John Burrows for what should prove to be an entertaining and educational talk with a difference!


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Newport Rising Hub, 170 Commercial Street, Newport, NP20 1JN

Friday 21st March 21:00 - 23:00

Newport Museum & Art Gallery, Newport , NP20 1PA

Saturday 22nd March 10:30 - 12:30